So, i have undoubtedly done the ultimate blogging sin.. not blogged. Going back to Uni i had tons of work to do, i have now finished my first year and will have a lot more free time to blog again.
Tomorrow i will upload some tutorial videos of nail art which i hope everyone will like and find useful.
Officially starting my summer!! Woop!
Monday, 7 May 2012
Friday, 20 April 2012
F*Word of the Day
Noun 1) The ability to predict or the action of predicting what will happen or be needed in the future
Noun 1) The ability to predict or the action of predicting what will happen or be needed in the future
Thursday, 19 April 2012
What is Feminism?
There are so many mixed views on the subject of feminism and what it is, so what to you constitutes as feminism?
In my opinion: I believe that anyone who is against gender inequality and fights towards bettering it is a feminist.
Its not only about becoming equals, its about pride in your gender, sexuality, voice, opinions, ambitions and accomplishments. A stay at home mum who takes pride in her children and home life can be a feminist, as can a woman who owns a business empire that chooses not to have children.
So what do you think?
What constitutes as feminism and being a feminist?
Comment on the post with what you think and...All opinions are welcome, but i understand that the topic of feminism can lead to heated debates... therefore no unnecessarily rude comments regarding people's opinions please.
F*Word of the Day
Noun: 1) A small being, often human in form with magical powers.
2) Magical. Mythical.
3) A surface elf.
Noun: 1) A small being, often human in form with magical powers.
2) Magical. Mythical.
3) A surface elf.
Like: if you used to make fairy houses too!
What F*Word shall it be tomorrow? Feel free to nominate in a comment.
This F*Word was nominated by Beastmann :) and inspired by the 4 year old in all of us and AbsintheFaerie on Cosmopolitan Forums :D
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Celebrity Airbrushing and How It F**k's Societies Perception of Beauty
Why? Just Why?
Even after spending a ton on stylists and make-up artists they still need to be so overly airbrushed that they no longer look like themselves. The people on magazines don't exist - they're just a figment of some editors overly anti-feminist imagination.
Why do magazines flood their pages with articles on 'why women are beautiful just the way they are' and then slap overly edited celebrities on the cover? If i owned a magazine it would feature 'real women' with their naturally uneven skin tones and wobbly bits.
I would much rather buy a dress modeled by a 'non perfect' woman who is proud of her cellulite and chest size and who is not viewed by the public as 'physically perfect.'
Because - Perfection doesn't exist. And if it did, we would all look the same because society and media has forced this definition of perfection into out heads.
I'm sorry Miss Alba... they seem to have edited out your vagina...
I don't agree with the 'Real Women Have Curves' campaign either. You can be a size six and be a woman.
The idea of real women doesn't mean 14+ or curvy. It means embracing your body and all of its flaws no matter what shape or size, being a mum who doesn't see her stretch marks as flaws but sees them as a sign of the birth of their child and the beautiful process of pregnancy and not letting your gender/ body shape stand in the way of anything.
Not only that, but being a woman doesn't solely rely on your body shape... its about who you are inside.
Real Women Are Proud of Who They Are!
So, in the attempt to inspire other women to stand up and accept their beautiful bodies for exactly what they are.... i would like to announce to everyone..
Operation F*Word Needs You!
I need some help..
I need an image/ banner/ logo for my F*E*E*L campaign that has the title in it. It needs to make an impact but be informative as to what the campaign is about, once again for those that don't know F*E*E*L stands for:
Freedom, Equality, Environment & Life.
Its a campaign to raise money and awareness for various charities around the World.
But, i don't own (and even if i did wouldn't know how to use it) Photoshop. So if anyone fancies throwing one together for me then please feel free :) use your name on the image too for recognition as i don't want the credit for something i haven't done.
And as a thank you - i will use the charity of your choice in next months awareness campaign!
So everybody wins :)
F*Word of the Day
Ok so this one is going to be a little different as i have a very different view as to what constitutes as family.
The dictionary version:
Noun: 1) A group consisting of parents and children living together in a household
2) All the descendants of a common ancestor.
My version:
Noun: 1) People that you want to surround yourself with and share your life with
2) People that are there for you no matter what
3) People that understand you completely, without reason.
In my opinion, family is something you earn.
Ok so this one is going to be a little different as i have a very different view as to what constitutes as family.
The dictionary version:
Noun: 1) A group consisting of parents and children living together in a household
2) All the descendants of a common ancestor.
My version:
Noun: 1) People that you want to surround yourself with and share your life with
2) People that are there for you no matter what
3) People that understand you completely, without reason.
In my opinion, family is something you earn.
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
The Retail Prowl..
My latest fashion task - find red dress.
Not for any reason other than i feel inspired by the Kellogs advertisements. I do believe the little red dress is the new little black dress though.
Personally, the UK isnt bold enough with its high street look. Walking around i see dismal colours of 'throw whatever on' outfits.
Its time to step it up!
What does red symbolise? - Love, Infatuation, Danger, Blood, Power, Money, Confidence, Passion.
What does grey symbolise? - Conservative, Old Age, Maturity, Intelligence.
So why are we still opting for dull colours?
So here are my requirements for the dress - if you think you know of one that fits the bill then let me know, and ill keep you guys updated on the search..
-The 'reddist' shade of red you can find
-Sophisticated and sexy
-Hugs at the waist
-Some detailing but nothing that clashes with the red
-No sleeves
-No longer than to the knee length
-Not too plain
-Doesn't cost a bomb! Im thinking high street not high end designer..
F*Word of the Day
The word of the day was suggested by my boyfriend so apologies for lack of creativity:
Noun: 1) A body or ground on which parts rest or are overlaid
2) A woman's supporting undergarment
3) A cream or powder used as a based to even out skin tone
Noun: 1) A body or ground on which parts rest or are overlaid
2) A woman's supporting undergarment
3) A cream or powder used as a based to even out skin tone
One For Me... One For You
So yesterday i posted about and to do my part; for the next month everytime i have a meal i will play on freerice and donate a bowl of rice to someone less fortunate.
Ive already donated 1000grains of rice just by spending 10 minutes playing yesterday, hopefully ill get to a million :)
Ill keep you updated on how i am going too and hopefully some of you will also give it a go!
Monday, 16 April 2012
Supporting Charities
As part of my F*E*E*L campaign i want to raise awareness and money for different causes around the World.
For those that don't know, the F*E*E*L campaign stands for:
Freedom, Equality, Environment and Life.
There isnt a person in the World that doesn't know that there are people starving right now. There isnt a person in the World that wouldn't feed a child if they saw them dying of hunger in the streets... so why is it people can turn a blind eye to those suffering in different countries?
13-18 million people die of hunger each year from starvation.
So - to help them, you don't need any money... just play a game.
The game is freerice. You can access it @
For every question you answer correctly freerice donates 10 grains of rice through The World Food Programme.
There's also an image of a bowel on the left that fills with rice everytime you answer correctly, a nice little incentive i think!
So please, spend 10 minutes so that starving people Worldwide can live for 10 minutes more
The Feminist Movement
The Feminist Movement, also known as the Women's Movement and Women's Liberation, refers to a series of campaigns for reforms on issues such as reproductive rights, domestic violence, maternity leave, equal pay, sexual violence and harassment, the right to vote and overall equality between both sexes.
The movement began in the Western World in the 18th Century and still today, women are fighting for equality.
In some parts of the World, women have very little rights over their opinions, bodies, voice etc. In some parts of the World, young girls are forced into genital mutilation, slavery including sexual trafficking and marriage.
Things will never get better, or stop until people make a stand.
Throughout this blog i want to touch on serious topics that affect women worldwide in the hope that it may better the life of women everywhere
Prince Harry & Mollie King
I swear, every time we hear that one of the princes is dating every girl around the world dies slightly inside. Even though we know there is very very little chance that most of us will even meet let alone date one of the princes, we cannot accept that the chances are small.
When William married Kate i actually googled the whereabouts of Harry at the time... i know... but im guessing i wasnt the only girl in the world to think/ do it.
I have now accepted that Prince William is off the market, and Kate is going to completely revolutionise the way the UK sees the royals.
Prince Harry is now dating (although very low key) Mollie King from The Saturdays.
Even though she is absolutely stunning and they look so cute together, she is the reason that myself or any other 'normal' girl will never be a princess *once again dies slightly inside :'( *
This one may take a while to get over...
bye bye potential princess status :(
Nail Art
Ive been practising nail art for a few years now, unfortunately im at home at the moment and left my nail art treasure chest at Uni. As soon as im re-united with my nail box i'll post some how to video's up for you all to have a go at the styles...
But anyway, for now i wanted to post up this pic as i think these are gorgeous and definately the way im doing mine next time i wear the dress below!
Love them! <3
My Beautiful Dress
So i've been wanting this dress for ages, unfortunately being a student i had to wait for it to go on sale to get it!
The dress is from quiz and currently on sale for £20
Here's the dress on the site:
Me in the dress - apologies for the grummy background, its taken in my Uni halls kitchen
This is such a banging dress! I paid £25 for and it was worth every penny!
Lets just say.. it got plenty of attention!
I like the length, its not too short and fits well so no re-arranging needed mid dance. Suits all skin colours, i saw a girl who had gorgeous black skin and she looked absolutely flawless in the dress, as you can see by my picture.. im very pale and it still looked amazing! - dont think the picture really does it justice though.
My Snowboard
Im an official snow kitten, i hate the cold but as soon as the snow lands heavy enough for me to snowboard im there :)
So i though i would show you guys my board, eventually ill upload some videos of me doing tricks etc.
At the moment i ride at an indoor snowslope in Milton Keynes near to my University. I snowboard with my boyfriend and even though he wont admit it... im better than him :D
So this is my Bataleon Distortia board:
The leapord and zebra pattern is on the top of the board and the hands on the bottom.
Personally, this is a sick board.
I ride a 149 and with freestyle boards like mine, its always best to ride a smaller board as its easier to control.
The Bateleon boards are unique for their TBT - Triple Base Technology.

Advantages of Triple Base Technology
So i though i would show you guys my board, eventually ill upload some videos of me doing tricks etc.
At the moment i ride at an indoor snowslope in Milton Keynes near to my University. I snowboard with my boyfriend and even though he wont admit it... im better than him :D
So this is my Bataleon Distortia board:
The leapord and zebra pattern is on the top of the board and the hands on the bottom.
Personally, this is a sick board.
I ride a 149 and with freestyle boards like mine, its always best to ride a smaller board as its easier to control.
The Bateleon boards are unique for their TBT - Triple Base Technology.

Advantages of Triple Base Technology
Personally, i love the Bataleon Distortia board, the light and flexible feel allows me to have complete control over my movements allowing me to take full control of parks and freestyle.
I purchased the board at The Snowboard Asylum in Milton Keynes for £330, a bargain if you ask me! If you are interested in snowboarding or buying a board i would definitely recommend TSA! Their staff are so helpful and most of the sales assistants are snowboard instructors too so they know their stuff!
F Word of the Day
Sunday, 15 April 2012
How Would You Wear It?
Ok, so this section i take a celebrity outfit that i feel could use a bit of tampering with, and choose a couple of things to mix the look up but still keeping at least one original item.
Here goes.. Starting with Solange Knowles
So this is the original outfit:
Use a chunky black necklace to add some impact against the white and to separate the colours:
[Necklace from Asos]
[Shoes from Asos]
Here goes.. Starting with Solange Knowles
So this is the original outfit:
Personally, i would get rid of the top and exchange it for a plain white vest top: [Vest top from New Look]
Use a chunky black necklace to add some impact against the white and to separate the colours:
[Necklace from Asos]
The shoes definately need to be changed, i would go for a classic black pair with some nude detailing. The rest of the outfit will be block colours so patterns will help break up the lines. From the back of the outfit the cut of the trousers makes a great impact, however with the top strap from the original sandals it looks tacky. I would have used a pair like these
to end the legs off perfectly>>[Shoes from Asos]
What is Operation F*Word?
I'm really excited to begin blogging about everything F*Word related!
I hope to write on something that everyone is interested in and although i understand that not everyone will like my opinions or understand my views i think its important that they are heard, not just mine, but everyones.
If you want to contact me at all then feel free to send me an email using the toolbar on the right or even just leave a comment!
Ill set up a donation account soon so that if you would like to donate to any causes that are part of F*E*E*L you can; easily :)
All donations are welcome whether big or small so if you have a penny or a pound to give, remember it is helping someone a lot less fortunate.
:D Speak soon!
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